Here is a selection of gigs for Sunday the 19th of May

Sunday the 19th of May 1996

  • Clovelly Hotel, Clovelly. NSW - Superfish
How this site works

Do you remember William Shakespeare who sang My Little Angel? When he was plain old John Cave he was in a band called The Amazons. That band once had a bass player called Harry Brus.

Harry went on to play in Australian Crawl who had an album called Boys Light Up. That album was produced by David Briggs who was a guitarist in Little River Band. LRB had a drummer called Derek Pellici who was once in Blackfeather which also featured a bass player called... Harry Brus.

Now do you get it? It's all about the relationships and the "family tree" that make up the Australian Music Scene. Contains: 2302 Bands, 3744 People, 2782 Recordings, 4338 Chart Listings, 215 Record Labels, 2326 Venues and 22476 Gigs

Recently Updated Bands

Ol '55
Ol '55, 63 gigs, 27 members, 19 recordings
Jimmy And The Boys
Jimmy And The Boys, 82 gigs, 10 members, 8 recordings
The Radiators
The Radiators, 91 gigs, 10 members, 16 recordings
Rupert B
Rupert B, 31 gigs, 9 members, 3 recordings
Jo Jo Zep and the Falcons
Jo Jo Zep and the Falcons, 110 gigs, 13 members, 23 recordings
Stiletto, 11 gigs, 8 members
Mental As Anything
Mental As Anything, 136 gigs, 17 members, 35 recordings
The Running Jumping Standing Still
The Running Jumping Standing Still, 1 gig, 11 members, 2 recordings
Eurogliders, 42 gigs, 15 members, 19 recordings
Deckchairs Overboard
Deckchairs Overboard, 26 gigs, 3 members
Matt Finish
Matt Finish, 158 gigs, 25 members, 15 recordings
Birds Of Prey
Birds Of Prey, 54 gigs, 5 members

Recently Updated People

Daryl Braithwaite
Daryl Braithwaite
4 bands. 4 gigs. 20 recordings.
Johnny Devlin
Johnny Devlin
1 band. 1 gig.
Rockpile Jones
Rockpile Jones
2 bands.
Ignatius Jones
Ignatius Jones
3 bands.
Jon English
Jon English
3 bands. 20 gigs. 18 recordings.
Kate Ceberano
Kate Ceberano
2 bands. 3 recordings.
Richard Clapton
Richard Clapton
4 bands. 45 gigs. 28 recordings.
Jane Clifton
Jane Clifton
3 bands. 1 recording.
Aiz Lynch
Aiz Lynch
1 band.

Recently Updated Venues